We value our partnerships with these evangelical Wesleyan organizations that support The Lizzie Project with their prayers, resources, team members and vision.



WGM is an interdenominational Christian missionary agency headquartered in Marion, Indiana. The organization has missionaries in over 25 countries around the world.  It ministers through preaching, teaching and healing ministries.

WGM partners with individuals and churches worldwide to make disciples of Christ among all nations. WGM believes in ministries that reach the whole person – physically and spiritually. In addition, the organization seeks to incorporate the concept of the whole-person transformation, using an approach that results in community transformation. WGM works with local churches and local community leaders to facilitate community outreach.

Mission opportunities at WGM include:

  • Full-time missionary discipleship programs
  • Internships
  • Volunteer partners
  • Teams for special projects

Many knowledgeable, dedicated and deeply committed missionaries serve WGM. One such couple is Larry and Angie Overholt who have been involved with WGM since 1980.  Angie Overholt manages the operations and administration of The Lizzie Project.

Founded in 1910, WGM has been always been aligned with the Wesleyan holiness tradition of Protestantism.  WGM is affiliated with the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA).


Larry and Angie Overholt spent 43 years as career missionaries with WGM (World Gospel Mission). Both attended Asbury College (University) in Wilmore, Kentucky. They served in Honduras 1980-2020 and then served for three years on the Americas Regional Team. 

The Overholts are visionaries who have combined evangelism and community development for remarkable results. They helped establish a positive network of pastors and local leaders in the rural villages surrounding Choluteca, Honduras, and government officials in the area.  Larry and Angie are now retired from full-time ministry and on emeritus status serving in a limited capacity. Larry continues to work on Monitoring and Evaluation of Projects for WGM. Angie continues to work with the Lizzie Scholarships and the Nursing School in Choluteca. 

In early ministry years, the Overholts initially were mentors to young people at Escuela El Sembrador for 18 years.  In 2000, after Hurricane Mitch swept through Honduras, they moved to southern Honduras to assist with the rebuilding of communities, churches, and homes that had been destroyed. They were involved with the development of eight church congregations in the Choluteca area and many building projects that supported various WGM ministries.

Since 2000, they have been involved in evangelism, community development, and training. They have a tremendous heart for education in Honduras; they have been strategically involved with developing curricula for vocational and nursing schools. 

Larry:  In 2014, Larry returned to Ohio State University to study for his Ph.D. in Agricultural and Extension Education.  He met the doctoral requirements in 2018.  While at Ohio State, he developed a course in International Development and taught a Leadership course.  He helped create the Study Abroad program in Honduras. His overall goal is to create a model of vocational agriculture and extension that can be duplicated in other areas of Latin America.  The initial model has been implemented with the WGM Vocational School in Choluteca. 

Angie:  As a nurse, Angie’s heart has led to some amazing developments and opportunities through the Ohio State University College of Nursing. Previously, a high school technical nursing did not exist in Honduras.  The 2017 joint venture with Ohio State, a nursing “step” program, was developed in Choluteca.  This program allows students to transition into the university level of nursing education. The program was approved by the Honduran government and began in early 2017. The nursing school is the first of its kind in Honduras and will be replicated throughout the country.

Larry and Angie have hosted many teams from both evangelical and Ohio State University circles. God’s work is moving forward, His Word and Work continue being spread, and people’s lives are being changed. Though retired from WGM, they support and encourage the vision of leaders who continue the ministry in Choluteca. The next generation of visionaries is carrying the ministry to a new level. (See Osman & Leslie Echeverría).

Contact Information:
Larry and Angie Overholt
201 Parrott Street
Mount Vernon, Ohio 43050
(740) 398.3871


The Ladies’ Fellowship is an association of Indian Springs Holiness Camp Meeting in Flovilla, Georgia. The camp meeting is Wesleyan in theology and was founded in 1890. It meets every summer for ten days in July (beginning the second Thursday in July through two Sunday’s). The fellowship serves as an outreach tool for women who are involved with the camp meeting. There are two levels of activities:

  • Activities during Camp:   Various activities include friendship, prayer, a ladies’ luncheon, missions focus and involvement with camp history. 
  • Activities during the Year:  The Ladies’ Fellowship sponsors two Holy Heart Events each year in Georgia. These two-day retreats teach and empower women on their spiritual journey, helping them to share the love of Christ with their families, churches and communities.

Financial support for The Lizzie Project comes through these retreats, church presentations and other activities. The Ladies’ Fellowship supports The Lizzie Project through prayer, financial giving and participation in the annual mission trip to Honduras.